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Certificate In Numbat, Mole, Bandicoot and Bilby Studies


Course Description

Are you interested in numbats, moles, bandicoots and bilbies? Are you confronted with these four species in your clinic? Do you want to learn about their behaviours, diet and habitat?
The Certificate In Numbat, Mole, Bandicoot and Bilby Studies consists of 11 units and is aimed at those that work with or have a particular interest in these species. 






















Course Details

Course Number           

Qualification Name


Course Duration           

Delivery Method          

Start Date                     



Course Requirements     

Course Completion




Units of Study


Unit 1 -      Numbat - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction



Unit 1 -      Marsupial Mole - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction



Bandicoot and Bilbies

Unit 1 -       Introduction To Bandicoot and Bilby - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction




Unit 1 -      Southern Brown Bandicoot - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction

Unit 2 -      Northern Brown Bandicoot - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction

Unit 3 -      Golden Bandicoot - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction

Unit 4 -      Long-nosed Bandicoot​ - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction

Unit 5 -      Eastern Barred Bandicoot​ - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction

Unit 6 -      Western Barred Bandicoot​ - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction

Unit 7 -      Rufous Spiny Bandicoot​ - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction



Unit 1 -      Bilby - This unit covers habitat, geography, diet and reproduction



Students Receive

Once course is complete

1 x Certificate In Numbat, Mole, Bandicoot and Bilby Studies

1 x Course Transcript











Certificate In Numbat, Mole, Bandicoot

and Bilby Studies

6 Months



Assessments - Exams 


Access to a computer

6 Months

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